America, Why?

Is justice a commodity? Why does effective gun control elude us? What influences people's voting decisions? A Thought provoking, shocking, and...

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Jill Shea
Jill Shea

Jill Shea is a writer and avid political advocate. Her career encompasses a prolific portfolio of screenplays and television pilots. Her journey began at USC in a renowned program of only thirty young minds from around the globe, followed by stints at NBC and MSNBC in New York. Returning to Los Angeles, she worked on various successful series and in film for Michael Douglas in script development. Jill subsequently worked for James Cameron at his private enterprise, dedicated to creating groundbreaking content that pushed the boundaries of exploration. In response to the political climate after the 2016 election, rather than move to Canada, Jill committed three years to Political Science research and studies earning membership in Pi Sigma Alpha, The National Political Science Honor Society. Living in Los Angeles with her family, Jill continues to champion a more unified and enlightened society, channeling her passion into creating a better understanding of the complexities shaping our nation's societal fabric and promoting a more informed America.




America, Why?

Money, Party, Politics. What Happened to Our Democracy?

Is justice a commodity? Why does effective gun control elude us? What influences people's voting decisions? A Thought provoking, shocking, and eye-opening book about American Politics, our Supreme Court, why people vote the way they do, the ideologies behind our politics, and the insidious power of money in our politics and in our courts....

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COMING SOON: The Laws We Need and Now

We Must Start Protecting Our Children and Our Planet

Legislation serves as a tool for social change and progress. Laws can address systemic injustices, promote equality, and safeguard the environment. They can incentivize innovation, encourage economic growth, and provide a safety net for the most vulnerable members of society. Through carefully crafted policies and regulations, legislation can...

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COMING SOON: Refocusing the Lens

51 Groups Making Our World Better

In a world lately overshadowed by divisiveness, rage, and darkness; where the headlines scream about stories of strife, inequality, and environmental degradation, it's easy to succumb to despair, and thus join in the anger and hate. Yet, amidst the chaos, fear, and anger, there exists many beacons of light illuminating the path towards a better...

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